Thursday, February 23, 2012

A gift of song

During my regular work day, I tend to move from one item on my "to do" list to the next without taking a breath. I leave home before my kids are awake, drive for an hour to work and then just get on with the business at hand for the next six or eight hours. Whatever. I'm the at-work parent, so that's just what I have to do.

Yesterday, however, I walked into my office to hear the opening notes of Rascal Flatts' "I Won't Let Go." This is a song that has made me pull my car over so I could cry without causing an accident. It's a song that I sing to myself when things are less than stellar. The lyrics simply resonate within me, healing a piece of me that has been hurt as I help my children to heal. I actually just sat at my desk and stared out the window, listening to the lyrics and letting the words and melody soothe my soul for a few moments.

Sometimes, poets and musicians can heal with their gifts. Words and music can be another form of support, and I, for one, will take all the support I can get on "those" days when it's all just too much. 


  1. Thank you Teresa for posting moving, so touching, so inspirational...
