Sunday, March 31, 2013

Time changes everything

It's a quiet Easter Sunday morning in our home. My parents are here, kids are recovering from their post-bunny hunt chocolate high, and I'm happy to carve out a few minutes to just write.

I was talking with a friend the other day about the differences (for me) between the first and second MA. I wonder what the third one will bring. Will this be the retreat that I sit back and relax? (probably not, as those of you who have been there already know - I love to putter in the kitchen during the MA weekend. It makes me happy.)

We will have some new people join us, which allows us the opportunity to expand and reshape our community. We have even less on the agenda than before, with massages being booked off-site for those who want them. There are absolutely no planned activities, other than the occasional meal (and even that is pretty flexible.)

Fifty-four days from now we will come together again. I wonder what changes there will be in our lives between now and then. It feels like change is in the air...