Friday, November 1, 2013

MA14 Open for Registration

Registration is now open for next year's Moms Away. If you would like to join us, please contact me for the access code to register. 

What amazes me is that we have different people each year; and each year, the "flavour" of the retreat is different. My hope is that someone who needs to find a group of supportive, encouraging, "been there" moms, will find their way to this retreat. Perhaps that is you - perhaps it is a friend of yours whom you have seen struggling and needing support.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

A special place - by a guest blogger

Thanks to the mama who wrote and shared this:

I have a special place. I go there to connect with an abundance of things and people My special place is relaxing and cozy. There are no clocks, there is no TV, there are no sounds of anything but laughter, crying, the murmurs of small groups and, occasionally, a loud screech of excitement. My special place welcomes me each year with warm, reassuring arms and comforting familiarity. My special place allows me to unwind, to vent, to release frustrations, celebrate successes and relate so, so well with other, similar stories. When I think of my special place, I can almost smell the simple pleasures of arranged meals so delicately and perfectly prepared. I can feel my body relaxing and sinking into the comfort of my p.j's and one of the many acquainted couches. I can see many moments of laughter shared with my close, understanding and inspiring friends. My special place is treasured. It is for me. It gives me a push, gives me tools and gives me a refill until we meet again. My special place is Moms Away...

Monday, September 30, 2013

Moms Away 2014 in the making

It's been quite some time since I last posted. Since the 2013 Moms Away, I have gone back and forth about whether or not to offer this retreat again. I have finally decided to go for it once again. I think that there is strength in community and in knowing that there are others who may walk a similar road. I know that as I drive away from the annual weekend in the mountains, I feel lighter somehow. I have a few more tools in my toolbox, I have a sense that perhaps I have helped someone else, or I may have connected with someone new. At the very least, I will have walked in the crisp spring mountain air, laughed until my stomach ached, shed a tear or two - or more, prepared and eaten nourishing food, and just refreshed myself.

This year, there are a few changes in the works.  The first is that I will be 'going it alone' this year after a very successful collaboration with AFABC. I have truly felt supported and encouraged by this amazing organization, and especially by Dianna (you know who you are.)

As well, there will be a few optional, organized Saturday afternoon activities based on feedback from previous participants. You will have the choice to participate, or not, as always.

I hope to be able to offer travel assistance or subsidies to those moms who would like to come but find this outside of their budgets. If you would like to help support one of these moms, you will have that option on the registration form.

And, finally, I will be offering credit card payments this year.

For now, please consider marking May 30 - June 1, 2014 as YOUR weekend to be a "Mom Away."

In peace,

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Still available

In just 40 (count 'em - 40) days, we will come together for a much-deserved retreat. Looking at the ski hill from my window today, I see a whole bunch of fresh snow on the mountains. However, I'm going to think warm thoughts and hope it all melts before our weekend.

Two spots have opened up recently. If you or someone you know is an adoptive mom who could use a weekend 'away from it all," please consider joining us. Moms Away is a space where there is good food, great conversation, laughter, tears, as many naps as you want, and the occasional glass of wine or cup of coffee.

I know people's lives change, so although I miss mamas who can attend one year and not the next, I am of the belief that those who do attend are the ones who should. So, if you have a small tug saying, "That might be what I need," I encourage you to go with that instinct. 

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Time changes everything

It's a quiet Easter Sunday morning in our home. My parents are here, kids are recovering from their post-bunny hunt chocolate high, and I'm happy to carve out a few minutes to just write.

I was talking with a friend the other day about the differences (for me) between the first and second MA. I wonder what the third one will bring. Will this be the retreat that I sit back and relax? (probably not, as those of you who have been there already know - I love to putter in the kitchen during the MA weekend. It makes me happy.)

We will have some new people join us, which allows us the opportunity to expand and reshape our community. We have even less on the agenda than before, with massages being booked off-site for those who want them. There are absolutely no planned activities, other than the occasional meal (and even that is pretty flexible.)

Fifty-four days from now we will come together again. I wonder what changes there will be in our lives between now and then. It feels like change is in the air...

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

100 days

One hundred days...

When my children were in the first years of their schooling, they always celebrated "100 days." Every day from the beginning of September, the class would add another popsicle stick to the can; when they got ten sticks in a can, they would bundle them together. After ten bundles... voila! One hundred day party!

Well, I'm not counting popsicle sticks, but I am now on my own countdown. One hundred days from now, I will retreat into the mountains with a group of courageous, war-weary, optimistic, ever-lovin' mamas. Our third annual "Moms Away" is somewhere in the not-so-distant future.

Between now and then, we will continue to strive daily to help our children heal, to find the humour in stress, to support one another through emails, Facebook, phone calls, quick visits, and other valued points of contact. I know that there have been a few times this year when my own situation was such that I didn't want to even post details to a private group; at those times, I would put out a call for 'positive thoughts.' And, my heart would swell with unspeakable gratitude as the messages came pouring back - "Thinking of you." "Praying for you." "In my thoughts." "Hugs." and so many more. Whether or not you know it, those small messages were lifelines, helping me through the crisis of the moment.

So today, I start my own 100-day countdown. As I think of you each day, I wish for you healing and hope.

One hundred good thoughts until we meet again.

In peace,