Thursday, December 23, 2010

155 days and counting

I was up at Silver Star today, skiing in the amazing fresh snow. It was wonderful to be there with my husband and two younger children. However, as I swooshed by a few chalets, I smiled to myself about the retreat to be held in one of them. (I still haven't figured out exactly which one yet, but will do that soon.)

Of course, there won't be snow or people zipping by on their skis and snowboards. But, it should be just as fun - and no mittens to tuck into jackets, boots to do up, etc. etc.

Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 13, 2010


You may have noticed that next to the word "Agenda" is one simple little word - None. And, it's possible you're wondering why it's like that. Why wouldn't I create a schedule of events for us to choose from?

The answer isn't because I don't have any ideas. Nor is it because I don't think we could afford it. I left it at "None" for two reasons.

1) I'd like the actual participants to be able to have a say in what, if anything, we choose to do. I've had suggestions so far about pedicures, massages, journal and card instruction, walks, hot tubs, etc. Once we have a full house, I'll send out a little survey and take it from there.

2) At the moment, the idea of "none" sounds pretty darn good to me. I work full-time (and some of those days have a very long commute). When I schedule in the kids' activities, a few mommy-sanity nights, and time with my husband, there is very little non-scheduled time left in my life. "None" - I'd like a bit of that this morning!

Monday, December 6, 2010

PayPal setup

I've now set up PayPal for deposits or full payments. If you would rather use a credit card than send me a cheque, please just use the link at the right.

We have committments for five people already! Yay!! Remember, even if you're not sure but you think you would like to come, let me know and I'll hold a space for you for awhile.