Sunday, April 14, 2013

Still available

In just 40 (count 'em - 40) days, we will come together for a much-deserved retreat. Looking at the ski hill from my window today, I see a whole bunch of fresh snow on the mountains. However, I'm going to think warm thoughts and hope it all melts before our weekend.

Two spots have opened up recently. If you or someone you know is an adoptive mom who could use a weekend 'away from it all," please consider joining us. Moms Away is a space where there is good food, great conversation, laughter, tears, as many naps as you want, and the occasional glass of wine or cup of coffee.

I know people's lives change, so although I miss mamas who can attend one year and not the next, I am of the belief that those who do attend are the ones who should. So, if you have a small tug saying, "That might be what I need," I encourage you to go with that instinct.