Wednesday, January 12, 2011


What are you doing for yourself in 2011? I know that, as moms, we tend to be at the bottom of our own lists of people to take care of. I don't normally make resolutions, but I've made a couple this year.

The first one is to clean out my pantry. I've been reading lots of different blogs lately (about Haiti, living simply, saving money, helping each other). I tend to hoard food - a holdover from my mother's habit, I think - and my cupboards are rarely empty. I spend way too much on groceries each month, and I still have those "we have nothing to eat nights." I decided that, until the contents of my two fridges, freezer, and multiple cupboards have been almost used up, I'm only going to shop for milk, eggs, cheese, fruits, and veggies. I'm two weeks in, and it's going well. We're having some interesting meals, but overall, it's working. (When I made cupcakes the other night out of a cake mix, my children were stunned - "what's the occasion?") What I didn't expect is the huge time savings this would give. Instead of spending an hour or two at the grocery store every week, I spend 15 minutes getting the stuff I actually need. I don't look at sales or specials or lost-leaders. In and out. Little tiny grocery bills (tens instead of hundreds), little bit of time, and a good feeling that I'm not contributing to a wasteful lifestyle. (Did I mention I throw out less now as well?)

My second resolution is harder. I resolved to take care of myself on a daily and monthly basis. To put myself first for just a few minutes each day. So far, I'm about 50/50 on this one.

BUT - I know I have the retreat coming up which is totally just for me (and those of you who come as well!) I figure that will tip the scales significantly.

The first house is now half full, which is absolutely amazing! Five other women are putting themselves first for a weekend and saying, "I need this!"

What will you do for you this year? Will you join us at Silver Star (or one of the other retreats that are around)? Will you go for a walk after dinner twice a week? Will you lock the bathroom door and soak in the tub for just ten minutes?

1 comment:

  1. A few months ago, I started a Takin' Care of Mama Challenge on my blog. You might like to check it out in the archives (on my sidebar).

