Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Almost here

There are broken pieces within all of us, yet each of us is also made up of moments of sublime perfection. I believe this to be true of my children, and I believe it to be true of the mothers who come together each year for Moms Away. The women who choose to carve out a weekend for themselves once a year come for their own reasons.

Some of these mothers come year after year to see old friends, to relax by the hot tub, or to walk in silence with nature. Others come once only; they may or may not get just what they need, but at the very least, they join a community. Sometimes it is enough just to know that one is not alone, that someone "out there" will get it.

There are moments that are too perfect in their simplicity to even be expressed. I hold these moments to myself like melting snowflakes, gentle in their landing on my heart even after their melting. I look back and think of the uproarious laughter our first year; the echo of that hilarity props me up on my saddest days. I recall with an aching heart the sorrow and isolation expressed by a mom another year.

When I least expect it - and when I need it most - I will recall one of these moments. And, with that flash of memory, I remember that I am not alone. You are not alone. Together, we prop one another up so that we can do the work we need to do for our children.

I can hardly wait to gather this year's moments and rest them on my heart. See you all in two short days.


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