Monday, December 13, 2010


You may have noticed that next to the word "Agenda" is one simple little word - None. And, it's possible you're wondering why it's like that. Why wouldn't I create a schedule of events for us to choose from?

The answer isn't because I don't have any ideas. Nor is it because I don't think we could afford it. I left it at "None" for two reasons.

1) I'd like the actual participants to be able to have a say in what, if anything, we choose to do. I've had suggestions so far about pedicures, massages, journal and card instruction, walks, hot tubs, etc. Once we have a full house, I'll send out a little survey and take it from there.

2) At the moment, the idea of "none" sounds pretty darn good to me. I work full-time (and some of those days have a very long commute). When I schedule in the kids' activities, a few mommy-sanity nights, and time with my husband, there is very little non-scheduled time left in my life. "None" - I'd like a bit of that this morning!

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