Thursday, November 25, 2010

Moms Away 2011

Moms Away 2011 has been set! Shelley and I met for the first time tonight to pick a date (May 27-29, 2011) and a place (Silver Star). I've created the logo based on an idea I found on Google Images. I love the phrase "Moms Away." I put three hearts in the middle, all connected, to indicate the three parties intricately involved in the adoption process. The colours of the hearts are also important - each one carries a piece of another.


  1. Hello :) Is this retreat just for moms who have adopted?If not are there other moms with autistic kids that may be going? My kids also have adhd and one has ODD.

  2. Thanks for your comment. To be honest, I did set up the retreat with adoptive moms in mind. However, if you are a mom who needs a getaway and some support, you would certainly be welcomed. We don't need to draw any dividing lines. Just know that the rest of the people there might be adoptive moms.

    At this point, I don't know if there will be any moms of autistic children (as I just put out the information yesterday). It is certainly possible. In my family, we deal with a number of issues, including ADHD and RAD.

    Does this help?

